Are you operating at your broadband provider’s promised speeds?

So how does your broadband service measure up?

Far too often, corporations rake in huge profits by shirking responsibility for the infrastructure investments needed to maintain and improve service. The delays and service interruptions that many customers routinely endure are, in fact, preventable.

Use our tool to find out if you are operating at your provider’s promised speeds. Be sure to compare your tested speed to the speed promised on your internet bill.

Your Broadband Speed is: SLOW You Megabits per second.
Testing Speed…

Broadband Internet is Essential to Our Jobs, Education and Communities

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    In today’s economy, broadband internet is an essential service. It is increasingly the foundation of the jobs that we do, the education that our children receive, and the institutions that hold together our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated that the reliability and speed of your internet connection can impact almost every aspect of daily life.

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    Given the ever increasing importance of staying connected, Speed Not Greed is a community coalition working to hold media companies accountable for the services that they deliver or fail to deliver. We are particularly concerned that some corporations are exploiting monopoly conditions in northwest Ohio to the detriment of consumers and our communities.

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    Far too often, corporations rake in huge profits by mistreating employees and refusing to invest in local communities. That lack of investment can lead to preventable delays and service interruptions that many customers routinely endure.

So how does your broadband service measure up? Use our tool to find out if you are operating at your provider's promised speeds. Be sure to compare your tested speed to the speed promised on your internet bill.

Speed Not Greed was initiated by

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Speed Not Greed receives support from these coalition partners

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Tell the FCC to regulate the broadband industry